News Article

What's on - 8 February 2020 onwards

We are revising our electoral roll from Sunday 9 Feb until Sun 14 March. During that time, please check the ELECTORAL ROLL at the back of church to see whether your name is on it. If it isn't, please could you sign an electoral roll form (which you'll find at the back of church), and fill out the contact details form (which you'll find attached to it). This is a great opportunity to make sure that we have everyone's contact details.

The 'Middlesex County Association and London Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers' are holding a service of EVENING PRAYER in our church this Saturday (15th) at 4.30pm. Everyone is very welcome!

There will be PRAYERS FOR HEALING next Sunday.

HAPPY SINGERS will meet again this Wednesday. Open to all.

Sat 22 Feb, St Paul's Cathedral , 2-4.30pm. A WORKSHOP on 'The Way of Ignatius: A Journey of Prayer' by Dr Gemma Simmonds. Cost £15 (bursaries available). To book, please see the St Paul's Cathedral website, or talk with Andrew.

The next LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Sunday afternoon service will be on 23 Feb at 4pm.

SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE PARTY, 6pm on Tues 25 Feb, in the Rectory. All very welcome! Bring a frying pan if you'd like to take part in the pancake race.

Come along so that we can start Lent together - ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE, 7.30pm, Wed 26 Feb. No Happy Singers that day. Please put any Palm Crosses through the Rectory letterbox before Mon 24th Feb if you would like them turned into the ash for that service.

LENT LUNCHES on Fridays at 12.30pm from 28 Feb - 3 April. If there are 6 people who would like to make soup on those days, please sign the list at the back of church.

Sun 1 March - after church in the Parish Room: 11am-12 noon. If you helped out with a stall or volunteered in any way at the last CHRISTMAS BAZAAR, please come along on 1 March so that we can look back at things good and bad and learn from them - as we start planning for 2020.

THE BISHOP OF STEPNEY is coming at 3PM ON SUNDAY 1ST MARCH to confirm three people, two of them from our church: Helena and Sharon. That day there will be a shortened 10am service, as well as the 3pm service. If you're going to come to one service, please choose the 3pm one if you possible can.

LENT GROUPS. Every Wed -
4 Mar - 1 Apr, 4-5pm or 7.30-8.30pm (choose whichever time suits you best).

Based on the book 'Seeing Jesus - and being seen by him' by Christopher Cocksworth.

4 Mar - Around the Birth. St Michael & All Angles, Lansdowne Dri, E8 3ER.

11 Mar - Through the Ministry. Hackney Methodist Church, 219 Mare St, E8 3QE.

18 Mar - From the Parables. Here.

25 Mar - Around the Cross. Hampden Chapel, Lauriston Rd, E9 7EU.

1 Apr - From the Resurrection. Frampton Park Baptist Church, E9 7PQ.

The next CHURCH CLEANING will be on Sat 7 March, 9.30-11.30am. All welcome!

WORLD WATER DAY event at the New Kingshold Hall. We're working with Well Street Mosque to do some fundraising together and to put on a joint event - including a shared meal - involving both our congregations on SATURDAY MARCH 21ST FROM 1PM-3PM. If you'd like to help with this, or learn more about it, please speak with Gill, Andrew or Manuela.

Date for the diary - Sat 28 March. LENT RETREAT DAY in the church. Title: 'Good Friday People', led by Fr Doug Hiza. Refreshments & registration at 11.15am. First talk at 11.30am. Ends at 2.15pm. Cost: £10 (includes lunch and all materials). Please say if you need help with the cost.
