News Article

Lent Groups

LENT GROUPS. Every Thursday in Lent, finishing on 21 March - 4pm (in No. 4 Norris House) and 8pm (in the Rectory). Do come along - and don't worry if you haven't managed to come to previous Thursdays.

Jesus journeys into the desert during Lent, and we're also going to journey into the desert in the company of the 'Desert Fathers' and an extraordinary man called Charles de Foucauld:

"Charles de Foucauld was a soldier who left the French army in North Africa to become a monk. He died in obscurity a century ago having won only a handful of converts among the nomadic tribes of the Sahara desert. In the years after his death a religious order was formed taking Charles's life as its inspiration. Today the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of Jesus are all over the world: in refugee camps in Lebanon, Pygmy villages in Cameroon, and here, on the 13th floor of an east London tower block."

Some of the Little Sisters - who live in Bethnal Green - are going to come to visit us for a shared meal and talk at 7.30pm on 14 March. All very welcome!