07 March 2020
Lent Lunches on Fridays at 12.30pm from 28 Feb - 3 April. We will be collecting money for Wateraid.
Lent Groups. Every Wed -
4 Mar - 1 Apr,
4-5pm or 7.30-8.30pm (choose whichever time suits you best).
Based on the book 'Seeing Jesus - and being seen by him' by Christopher Cocksworth.
4 Mar - Around the Birth. St Michael & All Angles, Lansdowne Dri, E8 3ER.
11 Mar - Through the Ministry. Hackney Methodist Church, 219 Mare St, E8 3QE.
18 Mar - From the Parables. Here.
25 Mar - Around the Cross. Hampden Chapel, Lauriston Rd, E9 7EU.
1 Apr - From the Resurrection. Frampton Park Baptist Church, E9 7PQ.
Date for the diary - Sat 28 March. Lent Retreat Day in the church. Title: 'Good Friday People', led by Fr Doug Hiza. Refreshments & registration at 11.15am. First talk at 11.30am. Ends at 2.15pm. Cost: £10 (includes lunch and all materials). Please say if you need help with the cost. Please sign up on the list at the back of church. Pre-registering essential for catering.
Palm Sunday - meeting at St John of Jerusalem Primary School at 9.45am, service starts in church at 10am
Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week, 6-8 April, Eucharist at 7.30pm
Maundy Thursday, Chrism Mass at St Paul's Cathedral at 10.30am.
Liturgy of Maundy Thursday at 8pm, followed by a Vigil until midnight
Holy Saturday - Morning Prayer at 9am. Church decorating, 9.30-11.30am
Easter Sunday - Dawn Eucharist at 5.30am. Easter Day Parish Eucharist at 10am.
You'd be really welcome to join us.