News Article

News for the week beginning 11 October 2020

Thank you to Paulette, Paul & Victoria for today's music.

Black History Month Reflection

Friends, this week has been our first week within Black History Month. We are excited to continue our celebrations.

Last week Andrew gave us a glimpse of the earthly HERITAGE that is filled with hurt and pain through the sugar Plantations. However, he gave us HOPE through the idea of the heavenly garden filled with wonder and life in the Spirit of God.

Therefore, reflecting on the theme of the heavenly LEGACY, here are six black figures that have left and continue to leave a LEGACY on us all.

Throughout the week, more information will be given about them on our notice board and social media platforms of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check us out: @sjojchurch.

Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin - The Church of England's first female black Bishop

Mary Seacole - Pioneering nurse and woman of courage Crimean War

Bishop Wilfred Wood - The Church of England's first black Bishop

Frank Bailey – The first black British firefighter

Charles Odamtten Easmon - "Father of Cardiac Surgery in West Africa" studied at the University of Edinburgh

George Bridgetower - English violin virtuoso and composer

A treat this afternoon (11 October) - Sung Evensong at 4pm. We will dedicate the service to Geoff Taylor, much loved and highly respected member of our congregation, on his first anniversary.

Coffee Morning at Prideaux House. This Wednesday - 14 Oct, at 11am. As numbers need to be limited to 15, people need to book in advance by Tuesday at the latest on 0208 986 6000.

From Shana: We are asking you to bring to St John of Jerusalem a photo of a loved one or friend who has died recently, or an image representing what has been lost, or a photo of hope for the future. The plan is that we might put up these photos on two large boards on the railings outside the church as an open air exhibition for those who pass by. Precise details of that will depend on the number of images we receive. We hope this Photo Exhibition will help to connect us and the wider neighbourhood - as we both remember and give expression to a voice of hope.

From Susan Crocker: Following on from a national initiative called 'Spare Chair Sunday', I thought that we could extend the idea for our own congregation and community. To extend the offer of a meal on a Sunday to someone who would appreciate the company in these challenging times. Following the sermon last Sunday and gospel reading, I was inspired to think about how we tackle loneliness with the encroaching winter with further lockdown potential and COVID restraints still with us. I was thinking – let's start telling people we trust if we are feeling lonely, and ask for help. Also let's start noticing and thinking of people who are on their own, who do not have work at this time, or who might be struggling with their mental health. Let's invite people to share a meal with us, meet up in a cafe, or invite someone round, but please keep safe and follow guidance. Please do talk to me or Andrew about how we can do this. One idea is that we have a sign up sheet at the back with offers of lunch or dinner, and people can put their name by it. I don't want this to be a short term plan, but a way of sharing with each other in fellowship for now, and into the future. Thank you.

Evening Prayer on Sundays. In church every Sunday at 4pm.

Church Cleaning. The next church cleaning will be Sat 7 November, 9.30-11.30am. All welcome.

Prayers for Healing

The prayers for healing group are praying in their own homes for all of us. If you would like to send in prayer requests, please send them to:

If you would like names printed onto the back of this service sheet, please let Andrew know.

Hymn Singing on Zoom

Our Director of Music, Victoria, is meeting up on Zoom with people who enjoy singing. Please email Victoria at if you would like to be part of that.

The time the church opens on a Sunday

The doors of the church will first open on a Sunday at 9.30am. Please use the main doors rather than any of the side doors.

Morning Prayer Midweek

Morning Prayer will be said in church at 9am, Mondays to Saturdays.

Midweek Church Opening

The church will be open for Private Prayer on Thursdays from 11.30am to 12.30pm.
