News Article

News for the week beginning 24 October 2020

Andrew is away this week, Monday to Friday. There will be Morning Prayer, as usual, Monday - Saturday at 9am, and church opening on Thursday at 11.30am.

If you are part of the Envelope Scheme, or would like to join it, please take a new box of envelopes from the back of church, and sign the list to say that you have taken a box. If you would prefer to give to the church by Standing Order - forms, which you send yourself to your bank, are also available at the back of church. For either scheme, if you are a taxpayer, please fill out a Gift Aid form (also at the back of church).

There will be an All Souls Day service on Monday 2 November at 7pm. If you would like names read out at the service, please write them in Capital Letters on the sheet at the back of church.

Black History Month Reflection


This week begins our final week of Black History Month. We are excited to continue our celebrations and bring everything together that we have learnt over the month.

Last week Manuela encouraged us to listen to each other's stories as we share in the bread and wine at the Eucharistic Table. A reminder of the HERITAGE that was filled both of pain and joy. However, stories matter because they shape our identity and our future.

This Sunday, Victoria, our Music Director wants us to reflect through music on the lives of black composers and musicians. Therefore, throughout this week we will be looking at the lives and music of 5 black composers and musicians who have gifted us with new ways to reflect our History and the continued writings of our LEGACY.

Throughout the week, more information will be given about them on our notice board and social media platforms of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check us out: @sjojchurch.

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912), Composer and Conductor

Scott Joplin (1868?-1917), Pianist and Composer

Errollyn Wallen (1958-), Composer

Hannah Kendall (1984-), Composer

Eleanor Alberga (1949-), musical composer

Church Cleaning. The next church cleaning will be Sat 7 November, 9.30-11.30am. All welcome.

Evening Prayer on Sundays. In church every Sunday at 4pm.

Hackney Carers are looking for a 'Digital Inclusion Project Volunteer' - someone with some free time who wants to volunteer in the community. Are you a reasonably tech savvy person and passionate about helping others? If you would like to be part of a great cause, please contact:
The role: contacting carers via the phone or face to face by visiting them in their homes (Covid safe practices will be applied) and helping them get online

Coffee Morning at Prideaux House. Wednesday 28th at 11am. As numbers need to be limited to 15, people need to book in advance by Tuesday at the latest on 0208 986 6000.

From Shana: We are asking you to bring to St John of Jerusalem a photo of a loved one or friend who has died recently, or an image representing what has been lost, or a photo of hope for the future. The plan is that we might put up these photos on two large boards on the railings outside the church as an open air exhibition for those who pass by. Precise details of that will depend on the number of images we receive. We hope this Photo Exhibition will help to connect us and the wider neighbourhood - as we both remember and give expression to a voice of hope.

Prayers for Healing

The prayers for healing group are praying in their own homes for all of us. If you would like to send in prayer requests, please send them to: If you would like names printed onto the back of this service sheet, please let Andrew know.

Hymn Singing on Zoom

Our Director of Music, Victoria, is meeting up on Zoom with people who enjoy singing. Please email Victoria at if you would like to be part of that.

The time the church opens on a Sunday

The doors of the church will first open on a Sunday at 9.30am. Please use the main doors rather than any of the side doors.

Morning Prayer Midweek

Morning Prayer will be said in church at 9am, Mondays to Saturdays.

Midweek Church Opening

The church will be open for Private Prayer on Thursdays from 11.30am to 12.30pm.
