11 November 2023
Please see the notices below the timetable.
Sunday 12 November | Parish Eucharist Remembrance Sunday (No Junior Church - all age service) Evening Prayer | 10am 4pm |
Monday 13 November | Morning Prayer Evening Prayer | 9am 5pm |
Tuesday 14 November | No Morning Prayer Evening Prayer | - 5pm |
Wednesday 15 November | No Morning Prayer Evening Prayer | - 5pm |
Thursday 16 November | Morning Prayer Evening Prayer | 9am 5pm |
Friday 17 November | Morning Prayer Midday Eucharist Evening Prayer | 9am 12 noon 5pm |
Saturday 18 November | Morning Prayer No Evening Prayer | 9am |
Sunday 19 November | Parish Eucharist Second Sunday before Advent - Safeguarding Sunday With Junior Church Youth Group: Games & Crafts (Parish Room) Christmas Bazaar meeting No Evening Prayer The Revd Shana's Licensing at St James, Clapton | 10am 11:30am 11:30am -5pm |
Every Sunday there are people who would be happy to pray with you immediately after the service, or offer prayers for healing - just make your way to the side chapel (top right, behind where the organ is played).
Please take a copy of the new church newsletter.
There is Evening Prayer here today at 4pm. For a list of Morning and Evening Prayer times for the week ahead, please see the diary overleaf.
We are all warmly invited to Shana's licensing as Priest in Charge of St James, Clapton on Sunday 19 November at 5pm. Close to the roundabout at the corner of Lea Bridge Road and Lower Clapton Road (233 Lower Clapton Rd, E5 8EH).
Youth Group: Games & Crafts (Parish Room), 11.30am - next Sunday, 19 Nov.
Our Church Christmas Bazaar will be held on Saturday 2 Dec,
12-3pm. Save the date! We will be collecting donations of raffle prizes, tombola prizes, home produce, jewellery, bottles, good quality toys & bric-a-brac, and all things glittery nearer the time. If you are able to donate an item for the Christmas hamper raffle prize, or if you are able to help on a stall on the day, please sign up on the sheets at the back of church. There will be an organising meeting after church next Sun, 19 Dec, at 11.30am.
The next church cleaning won't be on the first Saturday of December owing to the Christmas Bazaar - but will instead be on Sat 9th December, 9.30-11.30am.
Festival Chorus Concert - Sun 10 Dec, 7pm. Free entry, retiring collection. Mendelssohn - the First Witches Sabbath. Mozart Requiem. All welcome.
Our Christmas Carol Service will be on Sun 17 Dec, at 6pm.
We'd like to put together a list of trained first aiders in the congregation. If you have up to date first aid training, please add your name to the list at the back of church.
The Parish Council would like to ask - are there members of the congregation who would consider the role of deputy Warden? This would be to assist our two existing wardens and possibly, though not necessarily, with a view to becoming a Churchwarden in the future. If this would interest you, please have a word with Andrew.
If you would be interested in volunteering to help with the occasional Junior Church or Youth Group session, please speak to Estelle, Ibi, Lisa-Raine or Susan to find out more.
Niul has been volunteering in Chennai in India at the Street Child Cricket World Cup. It is organised by a British human rights charity called Street Child United. The charity focuses attention on the plight of street-connected children through sport. Nineteen teams from around the world have been competing. The children participate in a Congress to prepare a charter of rights and demands to take home to present to politicians to improve their lives. If you'd like to know more, look here -
If you'd like to donate, it's here - https://www.justgiving.com/page/niul-dillon-hatcher-1693484246690?newPage=true
Please take a look at the boards at the back of church which show some exciting development ideas for our church. Do please put any comments into the suggestions box.
If you see anyone struggling with the size of the font used for this readings booklet, please tell Andrew or Shana and they can make sure that larger A3 versions of the sheet are made available. Thank you!
Parish Newsletter - volunteers needed! With design, interviewing, ideas, general help. Please speak with Liz.