News Article

News for the week beginning 30 August 2020

Evening Prayer on Sundays
In church every Sunday at 4pm.

Church Cleaning
Church cleaning will be next Saturday - 5 September. All are welcome, but please come only if you feel safe doing it. We're now going to go back to the old rhythm of gathering for church cleaning on the first Saturday of the month.

Please pray for Shana
who will be ordained Deacon at St Paul's Cathedral on 26 September (postponed from 4 July).

Prayers for Healing
The prayers for healing group are praying in their own homes for all of us. If you would like to send in prayer requests, please send them to:
If you would like names printed onto the back of this service sheet, please let Andrew know.

Face coverings
Face coverings became mandatory in church on 8 August 2020. There are exemptions for medical reasons, for the under 11s, and for those leading worship where social distancing is possible. Do please talk with Andrew if you'd like to see more detail about the exemptions.

PCC. A few years ago we went over to a system where we elect people for up to three years. After three years people can, if they'd like to, take one year off, and then stand again. At the next Annual Meeting the members of the PCC who could stay on if they're willing are: Beverley B, John DLC, Kurt D, Paulette F-I, Rob H, Shirley M, Jo M. We would then be looking for four people who might like to serve for 3 years and one person to serve for 1 year. We'd also be looking for three Deanery Synod Representatives. Unlike with the PCC, Deanery Synod reps can currently stand again, or stand for the PCC without taking a year off. In total we will therefore be looking to elect eight people. Please give some thought as to whether you'd like to be one of them.

Barbara Altounyan was with us in church two Sundays ago. She founded a great charity which has been recording people's life stories in hospices. She wanted to let us know about a new project called 'Family Talk'. This is a free service for all and any grandparents in the UK to have their phone conversations with their grandchildren recorded. If this would be of interest to you, or someone you know, please contact Barbara on 07712 534 399 or email
Social Media Links:

Hymn Singing on Zoom
Our Director of Music, Victoria, is meeting up on Zoom with people who enjoy singing. Please email Victoria at if you would like to be part of that.

The time the church opens on a Sunday
The doors of the church will first open on a Sunday at 9.30am. Please use the main doors rather than any of the side doors.

Morning Prayer Midweek
Morning Prayer will be said in church at 9am, Mondays to Saturdays.

Midweek Church Opening
The church will be open for Private Prayer on Thursdays from 11.30am to 12.30pm.

Manuela is on holiday until 4 September.

Volunteering & Church Rotas
We'd like to work out how many people previously on our church rotas for things that need doing on Sunday mornings, for church cleaning and church opening are happy to remain on that rota. As a church community we're mindful that some of our much loved church members are more vulnerable than others. If you'd like to continue on any rota, please let one of the staff team know and please ask for a personal risk assessment form which we'd like to invite you to complete.