News Article

Sunday 4 December

Every Sunday there are people who would be happy to pray with you immediately after the service, or offer prayers for healing - just make your way to the side chapel (top right, behind where the organ is played).

Thank you to everyone who came to church cleaning yesterday. The next church cleaning will be Saturday, 7th January 2023, 9:30-11:30 am.

Tonight (Sunday 4th December) 7pm - Festival Chorus 25th Anniversary Concert, Candlelit Handel's "Messiah". Free entry but please book a ticket online from EVENTBRITE. Retiring collection.

Our Advent discussion group continues on Mondays at 7pm in the parish room. The theme this Monday (5th December) will be "Mary in Politics"; and on Monday 12th December, "Mary in Poetry". All welcome.

Saturday 10th December - Carolathon, 12-4pm

What is a Carolathon? It is marathon Carol Singing, with carols being sung for just under an hour at 1pm, 2pm & 3pm. In this case with some great stalls also at the back of church. So do come and sing, or come and listen, or come to enjoy the stalls. For us it's also a fundraiser replacing the Christmas Bazaar.

Ways to support:

If you'd like to join a small choir at 1pm, 2pm or 3pm - please sign up at the back of church. Also - do sign up at the back of church to donate an item for a hamper as a raffle prize, or sign up to bring some hot food or a cake, to organise mulled wine & mince pies, to run a stall (food, mulled wine & mince pies, books, gifts). And do come along on the day, 12-4pm (carols from 1pm).

Ways to give:

- Sponsor a carol from the list of carols at the back of church (sign up on the sheet giving your name and the carol you're sponsoring

- Sponsor Victoria in her playing of the organ (two other organists are involved, but they are people coming from outside the parish). Sign up on the 'Sponsor Victoria' sheet at the back of church.

- Sponsor a carol singer. Carol singers have their own sponsorship sheets and will be collecting sponsorship. You could also sponsor all the singers by putting your name on the 'Sponsor a Carol Singer' sheet at the back of church.

- You can give a one-off gift:
(A) Cash in an envelope marked 'Carolathon' or
(B) A cheque made out to 'St John of Jerusalem PCC' in an envelope marked 'Carolathon' or
(C) A BACS transfer to 'The PCC of St John of Jerusalem South Hackney', HSBC (31 Holborn, London, EC1N 2HR), A/C no. 60 52 33 21, Sort code 40 – 11 – 58. If you make a payment by BACS, please also email the church Treasurer, giving your name, mention the amount you're giving and that it's for the 'Carolathon'. Best done by email:

We're in search of a new school governor for our church Primary School. Please speak with Andrew if that would interest you.

There is new Newsletter is at the back of church - please take one.

Pension credit: Do you live in Hackney and receive a state pension? Do you know that you might be eligible for pension credit to top up your weekly income? If you are not receiving pension credit and would like to find out more, please speak to Lisa-Raine, or ask Andrew and Shana to introduce you. If you prefer to access anonymous advice on this, or wider financial support, you can contact or

Challenges connected with paying fuel bills - If you or anyone you know is struggling to pay fuel bills, please have a quiet word with Andrew or Shana.

Prideaux House is looking for volunteer cooks to cover the lunches offered at the Friday Lunch Club for the next few weeks. Please speak to Liz, Joannie, Kala or Paulette for more information.

Parish Newsletter - volunteers needed! With design, interviewing, ideas, general help. Please speak with Liz or Shana.
